Monday, November 28, 2011


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd borrow a cute little activity I found here at the beans. Yes, I know, I'm a little late. Please forgive me.

1. Who do I appreciate?
My family, my friends, my co-workers, people who make the world a better place

my friend Sara's bachelors weekend at OCMD

2. How am I fortunate?
...very fortunate...for relationships, for health, for income, for freedom

mike overlooking the creek on a hiking trip

3. What material possessions am I thankful for?
my home, my computer, my car, my phone, my clothing, my decorations...things I do not need, but am very lucky to have

all the "stuff" filling my closet up, shortly after unloading the moving truck :/

4. What abilities do I have that I'm grateful for?
ability to work with little kiddos

i know, it's not my classroom...but privacy you here's one of the niece and nephew from our family vacation

5. What about my surroundings (home/neighborhood/city/etc.) am I thankful for?
it's safe, its surrounded by people yet close to nature :)...i love the small town feel

the homestead

6. What experiences have I had that I am grateful for?
grateful to have been brought up not having everything given to i can appreciate the things that i do have...i am truly wealthy with things to be thankful for!

mother's day 2 year's grandmother, sister, niece, & mother

7. What happened today/yesterday/this week/this month/this year that I am grateful for?
Today I woke up in my own, warm home.
Yesterday I was able to spend time with my family.
This week I was able to celebrate the season with my co-workers and I will be celebrating with friends!
This month we had a bunch of folks help us to move our big truck full of furniture/stuff into our new house!
This year I'm thankful for my hubby supporting me in my decisions/indecisiveness...everything I do!

hubs and myself at the Codorus Furnace the day we found our house :)

8. What opportunities do I have that I am thankful for?
to work, to worship my Lord and Savior openly

october snow view from our apartment balcony

9. What relationships am I thankful for?
Jesus, Michael, my parents, my siblings, my friends, my doggies :)

some major flooding this past September in PA, very thankful for our safety

10. What am I taking for granted that, if I stop to think about it, I am grateful for?
I know I might sound crazy, but I try to always remember to be thankful for my bills....they mean that I am able to have things like a home, a car, heat, electricity, new clothing, etc.

more flooding....taking in the greatness of mother nature

Throughout all the upcoming hustle and bustle of the holiday season, my goal the sticker remember to keep an attitude of gratitude and share that joy with others.

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