Wednesday, May 26, 2010

She May Be It

What are we getting ourselves into??? It is funny how life happens. Did you ever have a time when everything just starts piecing itself together? Like the fact that the hubby called his old employer (Mr. C.) to ask for advice on starting his own business and Mr. C. asked him to come work for a partner!!! All of this while my the hubby's grandparents are trying to sell their home, a perfect opportunity for us to become homeowners!!! Let me tell you about the power of prayer because all of the people involved in this situation have been praying for a long time...having no clue what the "answers" to their problems were...and this is how it's happening!!! But yes, excited as I am for new possibilities, it is scary!! Did I mention this is where my hubby grew up...not where I have lived my entire life! or the fact that I need to leave my very reliable job and look for a new one!!! But life's an adventure right?! And it is clear who is in charge of this adventure. Thanks to Big Man Upstairs!!

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